Choose To Be With Who Highly Value You

Decide to build up your circle of support. Pay close attention to what others say and responses toward the important things you value. If they don’t value what you are doing and your mission separate yourself in order to grow.

One time, I offered to help someone come up with solutions for them. The individual complained and seemed very desperate in having money coming in. After sharing our personal mission to one another plus gave a ton of things to start with, This individual started to question if I knew what I was doing. Clearly what you aren’t doing isn’t helping you. Why question the person who is honestly dedicating their invaluable time they will never get back to help you. It doesn’t make any sense to do so. We all supposed to support each other through the good times and the challenging times.

Choose the people who challenge you do better for yourself. I understand those people are far and few. Once you have one of those in your court, keep them as long as possible and challenge them where they are at. Encourage them since you don’t know what they are doing through. It could be health issues, family issues and more. Everyone needs someone to be there and give them outside perspective.

Are you looking for quality people to grow your network together. I am here to be supportive and show you how it can be done instead of how it can''t be done. The present time is the most invaluable. Make the most of now.. You owe it to yourself. Pick yourself up. The world needs your authentic self.

Your Failures Don't Equal For Forever

For many people, not just visual artists, have several failures along with not as many sales as desired. Just because you haven’t had the sales up to today doesn’t make you a lifetime failure. What others think isn’t your destination and most of the time. those who have the most opinion have no influene in your outcome.

When you look at others and their point of view, Examine what is their position on how they view life. A big example is how they are living, family, and relationships. Do you want to take advice from someone who doesn’t have the life you are seeking?

Each failure equals a lesson learned. Don’t measure anyone else in how much failure and success other have had as a vehicle for jealousy or a weapon to beat yourself up. You are at your own.pace. Stick to your mission you sat out to do. Build yourself up with honesty to accomplish more each day. This is your life you are the producer of, not anyone else. Remember to stick to your core and don’t let anyone talk down to you. It is up to you in order to change your circumstance.

Pick Those Who Those Who Give Mutual Support

As I think about all of the experiences I have had, I examine the questions being asked. When I ask a question to someone it is out of curiosity and not out to belittle anyone. I don’t use the answers or personal information against others. These kind of quality people who don’t use what I give as a weapon against me are those who I welcome in.

I know others who fear others knowing more personal information and using it against them. We have to build trust. At the same time. I am here to help people with a pure intention.

Last night, there were two individuals who asked me personal questions. For instance, where I live?, Who do I live with? What do I do during the day? I prefer to associate with people who are sober and choose to face their issues head the best they can. I get it, we all have hurdles. In having a certain environment, adding a substance can trigger a childhood memory of no longer wanting anything to do with the past negative memories.

I am here to show people how things can be done instead of what can’t be done. I agree, everyone including myself are a work in progress. It is life, I look forward to growing in a positive light. Serving those who are open and willing to accept in all I have to offer is the place I seek to be in each day.

Are You Genuinely Happy?

An honest question to ask yourself and those whose opinion your value the most. Being happy and content where you are is a starting point for wanting more for your life. Be careful with whom you listen to. All of the results from their actions and thoughts are in front of them. Are you truly happy with all you have accomplished?

When you are choose to work towards your happiness, others will question everything about you in striving toward it. The overwhelming mindset of the average person is to disbelieve anything until proven true.It leaves a large gap in finding the real truth. At the time, your past is your past for a reason. The results you have accomplished are there to be beaten each year. Your past is not a total picture of who you are or choose to be today.

Choose to be in the present now. Your life will become so much better since you choose to be here and now. For many years, I have the mentality of being a victim. As soon as I see others who are present, the moments became life changing events. Where are you are now? Where do you see yourself as now and your future?

People Will Only Only Change Under Their Own Terms

Countless times, I have talked to many people who when I have mentioned my art business, they look in disbelief and ask how much money do I make in all kinds of forms. Most have never had a business let alone an art business. A high percentage of the time, people will only believe what they want because of being in a comfort zone rather then consistent learning new skills.

I love my family, however they do not support me as a visual artist nor understand it. I don’t expect them to. If my family wants to understand in due time great, if not I am good either way. I have to separate myself from them in order to grow. Doing my mission is more important then what my family or any other person thinks.

An art business is a totally different animal compared to any convential business. Yes certain parts of it you have to do like a convential business such as inventory, labor, taxes, material cost, health insurance, life insurance, workman’s comp. plus the cost of tools, and the wear/tear equipment upkeep over time. Also getting quality equipment to last. Getting too cheap equipment may save money upfront however in the long run it will cost you more in the long run from replacing it. I had to learn the hard way.

Develop Yourself Every Day

Take time at the end of the write down all you are thankful and lessons you learned. In doing inventory of your life’s memories and experiences will help you to improve the quality of life throughout the years.

Write down what you demand from yourself and what you seek every day to become real even if you haven’t seen a tiny shred of it. By writing it all down, it primes you in the start of your day along with stronger focus and goal oriented. I believe in doing is creates a inner purpose. Humanity wants to feel a sense of accomplishment and meaning each day. I myself, is a part of the solution. I am here to help people who are ready and willing to make a change over all.

By myself doing this, it helps me to appreciate the small and large things. The people who are in my life and why they are here. I believe it brings the purpose out of every day life rather then having each day blur through as a mass. Having each day, a special day to be living no matter how difficult it is, will prove the longevity in your character and how much willing you are to make the most of each day.

Be Willing To Fail - You Will Become Better

I have learned so much and still continue to learn from everything. Don’t just take advice from one person or two. Be willing to experiment with new things. You can try the time tested thing however why not change it around to seek what works even better. Look for more ways to make more income beyond a job. You will be limited by how much you can make by the time you physically have. Why not use your pain to create a solution and or large issue you can solve.

You can make your own income. Understand, there are people out there who need your expertise in what you love. There are billions of people who need and can use what knowledge you have. Seek to fulfill a need the world needs. Don’t wait for someone else to pay you in a paycheck. With so many brink and mortar businesses going out of business, this is a time to doing things on your own.

Celebrate Every Day

I met a lady recently who is from another country. She is cheerful, lifts everyone up every day. in coming from a hard life in a war torn community, losing all your family and friends passing away. It takes a toll and make you understand, how precious life. Don’t go to bed and or away from family and friends when you have an argument or disagreement. You don’t know if it will be the last time you see tem.

In the same way, last christmas I saw my grandparents at the retirement home. I never thought it would be the last time I hug my grandma before she woud have passed away at 97. Even recently, my grandpa fell at the age of 94. Looking at my loved ones, i don’t look at their age. I look at them as a whole person in a larger picture. I gave my grandma and grandpa a big hug. I had no clue at the time, this would be the last time I see my grandma alive. I choose to make the most of the moment. Choose to make the most of each moment with your loved ones. One day they are here and gone the next. Tell them, I love you and show it with your actions.

Celebrate each day of life, you have a new opportunity to make a difference for others. I enjoy doing as much as I can. You can too. Focus on the positive and how things will work.

Do Your Best Every Day

There will be days of when life is going to be great. Others will be a large challenge when so many aspects are picked on with a fine microscope. All you can do is look at ways you can improve. It wont serve anyone including yourself to play the excuse game and or a victim. Decide to be honest with yourself and tell yourself like it is. You owe yourself the honesty of each day of results.

In each situation, lessons are here to be learned. Even in the small things, all of it comes together at the core. Each situation is all in how your define it. Decide to make goals for yourself. Make it ok to fail. I have failed many times. I don’t let it hold me back. By looking down on myself it doesn’t serve anyone including myself. Choice to be proud of who are you becoming. Sure, you have made mistakes like anyone else. You are a stronger individual because of it. People will talk and gossip. Decide not to be a part of it and create your own positive and construcitve language to yourself. in all you say about you is more important then what others think.

Test yourself every day. You will be amazed at how much your will accomplish.

Common Questions On Materials

I recently was talking to one of my collectors. They started to ask about what materials do I use to create my art. In creating my art, a respect for the tools is highly valuable. Each tool may or may not be traditional however it all works to create the final result. I see the image in my mind and put it all together piece by piece.

I most of the time, create art with alumium wire, aluminum sheet metal. I have used several miles of galvanized steel wire. I have to purchase this all in bulk in order to create the work I do. Aluminium is an unforgiving material. Once you heat aluminum and or bend it a certain direction that is it. If you try to bend it back it will break off, I do not use heat overall simply because i want the sculpture to be as strong as possible. In heating metal, for the most part, makes the metal weaker, brittle, to make it easier to break.

Another factior in working with metal is the temperature is in the environment.. If the metal is cold, The metal will become much more stiff. Warmer metal is much easier to work with. Aluminum and steel wire are completely different. Aluminum is not as forgiving as steel I found my materials by chance and experimenting with all of the things I like.

I appreciate your support and reading this blog. If you have any questions, email me. I’d like to hear your point of view and feedback.