Pick And Choose The Right Quality People

As of recently, I have been rethinking who and what I choose to share with certain people. Those who I thought I could share certain information with turned out to backfire in my face. As adults, we think we can talk to our family and be vulnerable when it is the last thing in which should be shared.

Most of the time, the person who your family and friends think you are is still the person in front of them when you have moved on. You are no longer the individual your family and friends used to see. Be careful in who and what you share with. The delicate information you share can be weaponized and thrown back in your face. Many family and friends give up and don’t keep on growing with their dreams. They don’t want you to do better than them since they are still the same individual they were years to decades ago.

I can’t measure myself up by others previous failures or even my own failures. Those are here to teach us several lessons in life. Remember, failure is not forever and is a tool to help us move forward, and learn what does work and what doesn’t. Keep on moving forward no matter what your family and friends say to get you down. This is your life to live and no theirs.

Choose To Be Present In Your Thoughts

In life, nearly every human being has had thoughts of doing certain things in which in the moment sounds well deserved however in the long run it is best to abstain from going through with the actions from the mind. The younger me was very much into bringing justice and or what is right within the wrong way of going about it. Let your thoughts in which don’t serve you and or others go away to replace them with what are the best options currently and with the future self to reflect on. Having self control can prove to be beneficial instead of regretting the choices you made for the rest of your life.

Remember what you do consistently are your core values. You tell people what you are going to till you are blue in the face and your actions prove who you choose to be daily. Learn to listen and watch others to see if both align. Let it determine on the quality of character in each individual. Everyone has thousands of thoughts each day. We pick and choose the ones in which we value the most. I am glad to be back in blogging for this new year and look forward to hearing from you.

Your Tribe - Connecting With You

Listen and watch closely in the conversations you have with others. Are they laughing at you, talking down to you and not believing anything you have to offer is of value? If so, time to move onto building yourself up and creating more value in helping those who are open to accepting what you have to offer. It is not always you in the moment. Timing is the right thing in presenting what you are offering.

The rejection you experience today isn’t forever. It is a numbers game. Look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself I am valuable and have much to offer. Every day work on your communication skills. I am always working on improving myself since I am a student in life and pursuit of happiness through fulfilment. I am mortal just like anyone else. I will eventually make mistakes however learn quickly from them to become the better version of myself no matter what non supporters think. You can’t let what others say put you down no matter how many times you have failed. Remember what you are seeking is worth the time and investment in otherwise you wouldn’t have put so much of yourself into it. You deserve your peace, happiness, and fulfilment.

Remember A Great Art Collector Of Mine

My art collectors are more than just customers. I enjoy spending time with them and the great people they are. I appreciate the memories created together and helping them where they are in their natural environment. At one time I was in a gallery downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. The gallery was called the Art Bank on 811 Mass. Ave. I was there for almost 7 years. It was a great place to grow. I learned so much and had ups and downs with all of it. I enjoyed the creative freedom and relationships throughout the years I had connected with.

With saying this, I had created a piece titled, Blazing Sun. It had sat there for quite some time. It was so bright and strong with a giant powerful presence. I had been wanting to contact the Guggenheim museum and hadn’t been able to get ahold of anyone. Shortly after, a family member of the Guggenheim came to the Art Bank Gallery. John Robert Guggenheim loved the Blazing Sun. He left a message on my phone. I called him back and agreed to meetup. We met at the Art bank, made the sale, I offered to hang the piece with him in his new office free of charge. John put the Blazing Sun in his trunk. It surprising barely fit. We got to the building about 2 miles away from the art gallery. We hung it up together. I had a great time talking with him and made him laugh. I enjoyed seeing him smile. John was a man of few words however, he meant what he said. I can respect it.

Fast for years later, I had been trying to keep in contact with him throughout the years and had not been able to hear from him. I kept his number and found out he had passed away on Oct. 19, 2021. He was more then just an art collector. I appreciate him for showing me new things and support of self taught artists. He was a big supporter in self taught artists. This post is in memory of you, John. You were a great man who passed away too soon. Thank you for giving me for bringing me into your life and sharing it together.

Show Others They Matters

The day in and day out grind of work many people sometimes feel invisible and or not valued where they are. Choose to show them especially in the hard times how much you appreciate what they do. It is so easy to let every day blur together and feel like life doesn’t have a purpose and or our lives don’t mean anything by personal action being taken each day. In the meantime, it all matters as the whole picture.

The money can come and go however the impact you make on others is more powerful. Even in the small things people want to feel significant today in life. Everyone has a gift however it is up to us to bring out the best in people. At the end of your life, how you made people feel is going to be your legacy.

Stay Focused On Your Purpose

I was talking to my father today and he wasn’t supportive of my creative business in being an artist. What matters is helping people in the best authentic way I can. I have had the ups and downs. As creatives, we can’t let the failures dictate the future results. The self limiting beliefs are what really hurts the future results.

Yes every time I talk to my father he always says it could be his last day however I know majority of this belief is in his mind repeating over and over like a broken record. He doesn’t eat the way he should and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Yes I want him happy and in good health however he is going to have to choose this rather than rely on everyone else. It looks like I may have to distance myself from him to keep up my productivity and fulfillment for my future. The best thing I can do speak to him positively and encouragement for him. Also not let his negativity get to me when speaking to him. I want what is best for him and well being. I must choose to myself proud to benefit others and myself.

In the Downtimes......

In working so many hours, and doing so much day in and day out, the time goes so fast it all blurs together week after week, month after month, then a years pass. In my times of recovery from being sick i spend more time with my family. I appreciate my mother and father being there since day one. Many people don’t even have their parents to talk to you.

Within the fact my mother almost passed two times in 2020 in the icu while having a regular procedure done, Then being in the icu for 21 days, I visited every single day when no one else did to make sure she was taken care of right daily. I may not always agree with everything my family says, however I do love and appreciate them for being there when I need them the most. I will definitely return the favor before their time is up so they can enjoy the fruits being bared. Moral of the story appreciate everything everyone does for you and show it to them while you have the chance to do so.

Your Personal Values Now

Instead of letting everyone else dictate what your life holds, why not take time in your morning to have a peaceful quiet time. When I started doing this, it helped me to have sharper focus rather then having life go by. These days time does go by so fast before we even blink an eye. Where do you see your gifts can shine the best today? Why not write down what you enjoy doing and the skills developed over the years to decades.

In taking inventory, a light shines where we need to the most. A large portion of the time, assets are around us the whole time waiting for us to acknowledge it. Years ago, I said to a woman I am sure you have an attorney in your circle. She didn’t believe me until she finally thought about it. The attorney had helped her years ago and was ready to help her where she needs. Always keep great terms with people who can really help you.

Spending Your TIme

Throughout the years I have went to the doctors appointments with my mother since she couldn’t drive back home safely. Each time I have went, times have shifted in the period of life we are in. Everything becomes more about quality then compared to quantity. It definitely becomes more of a challenge when you don’t have much of any support at home and they only think of in a small tiny box yet asking yourself, Are they really happy were they are?

Every day we get older, the less time we have to left. Must make the time we have left count instead of throwing life away for others who don’t value your potential and or what brings real happiness/fulfillment. At the same time, loving your family who are depressed, don’t see a life other then what is in front of them. They choose to treat their body poor. At this point of my life, I must stay with those who are welcoming and want growth as a whole and none of those are only choosing to barely survive.

Plant The Seeds Your Future In Your Mind

You don’t need to explain your vision for what you do to small minded people. People who are open to you and what you are offer will come with you sharing to your quality groups. Condescending responses don’t value you and only look at the surface. Watch their responses, questions and body language, it will tell you what they really value.

In forming potential partnerships, watch people closely in responses to different situations. I once was going to work with one guy who was controlling however I could see it wasn’t going to work out. Another I could see lack of communication. I didn’t want to live in the future being resentful and dealing with much bigger issues later one in the development of the relationship. At the same time, never rush into potential relationships, their true colors will reveal itself. I am far from perfect however I do own up to my imperfections. May not be right then and there however in due time I will come forward. Some people are offended in myself being fully transparent. Must look at the real answer to being our real self. No one can live our lives for us. We must choose to be who we create our image to be as.