Plant The Seeds Your Future In Your Mind

You don’t need to explain your vision for what you do to small minded people. People who are open to you and what you are offer will come with you sharing to your quality groups. Condescending responses don’t value you and only look at the surface. Watch their responses, questions and body language, it will tell you what they really value.

In forming potential partnerships, watch people closely in responses to different situations. I once was going to work with one guy who was controlling however I could see it wasn’t going to work out. Another I could see lack of communication. I didn’t want to live in the future being resentful and dealing with much bigger issues later one in the development of the relationship. At the same time, never rush into potential relationships, their true colors will reveal itself. I am far from perfect however I do own up to my imperfections. May not be right then and there however in due time I will come forward. Some people are offended in myself being fully transparent. Must look at the real answer to being our real self. No one can live our lives for us. We must choose to be who we create our image to be as.