In the Downtimes......

In working so many hours, and doing so much day in and day out, the time goes so fast it all blurs together week after week, month after month, then a years pass. In my times of recovery from being sick i spend more time with my family. I appreciate my mother and father being there since day one. Many people don’t even have their parents to talk to you.

Within the fact my mother almost passed two times in 2020 in the icu while having a regular procedure done, Then being in the icu for 21 days, I visited every single day when no one else did to make sure she was taken care of right daily. I may not always agree with everything my family says, however I do love and appreciate them for being there when I need them the most. I will definitely return the favor before their time is up so they can enjoy the fruits being bared. Moral of the story appreciate everything everyone does for you and show it to them while you have the chance to do so.