Pick And Choose The Right Quality People

As of recently, I have been rethinking who and what I choose to share with certain people. Those who I thought I could share certain information with turned out to backfire in my face. As adults, we think we can talk to our family and be vulnerable when it is the last thing in which should be shared.

Most of the time, the person who your family and friends think you are is still the person in front of them when you have moved on. You are no longer the individual your family and friends used to see. Be careful in who and what you share with. The delicate information you share can be weaponized and thrown back in your face. Many family and friends give up and don’t keep on growing with their dreams. They don’t want you to do better than them since they are still the same individual they were years to decades ago.

I can’t measure myself up by others previous failures or even my own failures. Those are here to teach us several lessons in life. Remember, failure is not forever and is a tool to help us move forward, and learn what does work and what doesn’t. Keep on moving forward no matter what your family and friends say to get you down. This is your life to live and no theirs.