Your Tribe - Connecting With You

Listen and watch closely in the conversations you have with others. Are they laughing at you, talking down to you and not believing anything you have to offer is of value? If so, time to move onto building yourself up and creating more value in helping those who are open to accepting what you have to offer. It is not always you in the moment. Timing is the right thing in presenting what you are offering.

The rejection you experience today isn’t forever. It is a numbers game. Look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself I am valuable and have much to offer. Every day work on your communication skills. I am always working on improving myself since I am a student in life and pursuit of happiness through fulfilment. I am mortal just like anyone else. I will eventually make mistakes however learn quickly from them to become the better version of myself no matter what non supporters think. You can’t let what others say put you down no matter how many times you have failed. Remember what you are seeking is worth the time and investment in otherwise you wouldn’t have put so much of yourself into it. You deserve your peace, happiness, and fulfilment.