Listen To The Language You Use

I was talking to a lady who is going through a challenging time in divorce as she lost the place she lived in. When she spoke her mindset was in the can't. She was in a business meeting with a friend and wasn't expexting to get help for her in art business process. She hadn't found herself yet. She is stuck in the present tense and focused on all the issues as she described it as chaos. I said to her when you are ready, you will move on through this. Her friend and myself were there to be supportive on who is working on to be. I mentioned, why not use your situation to use this emotion to express it in your work to speak who are going through what you are temporary in.Yes, situations in which you go through aren't pleasant, however, in way you redirect them is how you define what happens in your mind.

Yes, I want as many people to succeed in all levels much as possible. Being the victor is your choice every day instead of being a victim. This took me decades to finally work through my hurdles. You can too.