Living Life Or Taking Your Life Too Early

Today, someone made a story up in saying I am suicidal in which it is false. What is the point of giving up when I have given so much encouragement to so many people. Yes, in my late teens to almost my mid 20's I had depression. Releasing the hurt and trauma from my earlier years was a huge stepping stone to healing.

The question in which needs to be asked is, Do I really want to be known as the person who gave up? Do I want to inflict pain on my family and friends? No, I have so much more to live for. I have a purpose and much more to do.

The same goes for you. Your purpose will come when you least expect it to reveal it to you. Be open to understand your purpose instead of the easy way out of giving up. This all boils down to what do you want in your life. Take a look in the mirror and examine your life. Is where you are the place you desire to be in? If not, it is time to shift into the person and place you see yourself being in.