Learning Every Day

I made many mistakes and have learned a lot. By watching and adjusting the environment the outcome will improve over time. Holding in emotions especially negative emotions such as resentment, will eventually blow up in your face over time. I learned this the hard way over the years. I have to catch myself through many situations.

Address the issues as being presented instead of letting them grow into negative emotions. This is one issue I do work through and improve to this day. Knowing when to really say things and when I have to address things in the right way. These days it is so easy to offend anyone. I have to choose to say what I mean and mean what i say. Also I have a hard time asking for help since I have an independent spirit and want to do it all. This is a flaw I have and must work through in order to take my success to the next level.

Do you see your flaws? Iā€™d like to hear your response and connecting stories/