A More Focused Chapter In Your Life

In the recent times, I have decided to focus on the quality of the people who are in my life. For those who try to implant their self limiting beliefs in my mind have to be let go. I am here to be with people who are here to want others to succeed and to have a unbiased opinion except for pushing others forward.

Even in the fact of saying goodbye to people I have known for close to 20 years was challenging however worth the effort to let them go. For those who don’t reach out to you to talk to you unless you talk to them, move on. Clearly you are not important to them. Or if you contact them and they act like you are a burden to them, time to let them go.

Choosing the right relationships in telling you what you really need to hear rather then what you want to hear is going to be the best for your overall well being. It is upfront honesty in which this world needs more of. I enjoy seeing other succeed and celebrate with them. Why not create the mental environment you seek with like minded people.