Choice Those Who Highlight You/Do The Same for them

Those who highlight your best ablilities and traits are the one who you need to be around. Also choose to give this back to them. Challenge them and have them challenge you naturally. The kind of people you hang around with will have a major influence. Listen closely in what they are saying, since it is the values being held in them. I choose to listen to those who challenge me even though they may not be in my immediate circle since they are in a higher level of success and contribution. I see myself being in their place.

I Am Here To Be The Right Asset For You.

I love it when I see the pure joy in the work I create. As we grow up, we don't dont know how things will work out until having the decision to discipline ourselves. It is amazing how many opportunities are landing in my lap. I am grateful to be able to bring the experience I have from my mind to life. The more I benefit, the more others will receive in a cheerful environment.

One time i was in line and this guy behind me was counting out his last change just get home. I saw he was having trouble getting as much gas as he needed. His vehicle uses a lot of gas. I said, How much do you need? He said, $5. I said to the cashier. Please put $30 on his pump. The guy was in shock. He said, Are you sure? I said, Yes, I am. and many people have helped me when I least expected it. I am grateful for it. I said, This is my time to give back. 

Being Your True Self Takes Courage

In choosing by being yourself is the most challenging however the most rewarding. As you take on business ventures and the process of being a better version of yourself, you will have to face the person in the mirror. Ask yourself the question. Is being mediocre worth your life in which is the highest price you can pay? Your time will never come back no matter how much money you have there is no way for you to earn it back. Highly value your time and the process of improving where you honestly need to.








































































































Listen Closely And Pay Attention To How The Circle Around You Treats You

Are The people around you always shooting you down? Do they ask how you are doing in a honest intent when you look at their actions over time? Are they telling you how it wont work or are they showing you how it will work? If the circle you are around is always devaluing you then it is time to look for a better influence. You need to find a people who are happy for you in your success and understanding in the temporary failures. You are far more powerful then think. You have so much potential you don't realize. It is time recreate the image you hold in your mind known as what you see as your self reflection.

What Are You Thankful For?

In this fast paced world, we tend to be so busy working and havin our minds so focused on doing instead of being thankful for what we have. Being thankful goes beyond just physical materials. Yes it is great to have them however we have much more to be thankful such as your health, mobility, family, friends, and new opportunities. Here is a challenge for you. Write down three things a day you are thankful for in the next 90 days. You can't repeat yourself in any of them. I am doing this myself. See how this will change your mindset of lack into abundance.

Instead Of Focusing On The Roadblocks/ Focus On The Solution

Roadblocks will happen no matter where you are at. Weither it would be from the business you run, to your competitors, to the boss you have issues with. How you look at it is more important then only being stuck. You choose to be stuck when actually, the choice is yours to advance by creating the solution you crave. Use the energy against your situation to overcome the issue. Ask yourself, is this really worth your time and energy to focus on the temporary current time or is it worth the effort to work toward what is best for you and your family?

Make A Decision To Work Toward Your Happiness

Deciding to work on being in my happiness wasn't an easy choice. There will be sacrifices and choices to shift in the direction needed. I understand there is so much to deal with in creating your own dream into reality. I hold onto the vision I have for many years. When your own family is negative and don't see it, I decided to back away even though I want to be closer. People change over time and become different then when growing up.I can not force change on my family. They have to be willing to want to shift and be a better person every day as a bench mark. In bringing the most important aspects of life is creating a lasting legacy.

Focus On Where You Are Going As The Goal

There will be times of challenge from all aspects from your family situations, personal relationships, your emotional state, and others. The main point is to focus and work on where you are going instead of where you are temporary at. It can be very stressful. Look at your situation as the testor on how patient you are and dedicated. Work on highly valuing your time instead of trading money for time. Everyone only has a certain limit on how much they have time left. Respect it by taking it seriously and once it is gone you will never get it back.You are worth the effort and dedication to put into yourself.

How Can I Help You? Instead of looking down on everyone.

I never understand where people look down on others who maybe wear certain clothes, drive certain vehicles, and others assets. We have so much more to do and add to life then only on the material possessions. The quality of your life and helping others will elevate everyone with you. You can't force anyone to think a certain way or do specific things, however you can influence them to want to naturally do it by opening their mind. Each person has their own story yet we all align in the foundation of being human. We all seek respect, appreciation, and fulfillment. 

Your Habits Are Your True Values

What you spend your time doing is what your values are. Watch others in what they say versus what they are doing. We all have made mistakes and regret sometime or another from the past decisions. The main thing is you decide to change your daily rituals to project your success. Every successful person has had to evolve in order to have a greater life. Look at what you enjoy and can push yourself instead of focusing on the time you aren't working.

I met an old classmate from 17 years ago. She is stuck mentally where she is at. She regrets her decisions and being addicted to alcohol. I said to her, your past decisions are over with. The fact is now you have decided to change your life now. Now is better then never. I said to her, never based your happiness on someone else. I also said I see you as a person instead of you by addiction. I separate those who have dealt with addiction. I told her you need to find something to work on you enjoy the most in order grow and heal. If you have made mistakes you must forgive yourself to have a better life.