Choose To Have Mercy

Thoughout the years and lessons learned, I am glad I had mercy for others despite being treated badly, and made fun of for 10 years of my life until almost graduating high school. I believe pain teaches us lessons. It doesn’t have to be physical pain. It can be any sort of long lasting pain.

For instance, a situation arised by in high school where this kid was a good student, however had a big ego and abusive with his words. I was forced to work with him because of the alphebetical order by our last names. He kept on making fun of me for months every day. There came a point of time, I was done with him doing it and no longer acceptable. We were working on a large bookshelf for the teacher in the wood tech class. One morning, I pick up a giant piece of thick plywood and was about to make him black out. I started to swing the giant piece of plywood and something inside me said to stop mid swing. As I did the whole class and the teacher were staring at me. I didn’t say anything to the kid. After the incident happened, the kid finally started to respect me., There will be times you have to stick up for yourself however, you can do it in a more peaceful way.

I am grateful to have mercy. Even if I wouldn’t get penalized for it. The memories would stick with me for a lifetime of regret. Why decide to live in regret for something you wish you could have changed your response to? I wouldn’t be here now if I didn’t have self control. I am grateful to have to since i have more room to help others all because of better decisions I made before. What are you most proud of in having mercy for in the situation? I’d like to hear your stories.