Being Heard And Understood

I recently had a conversation with a mental health professional. I had an epiphany moment with all of the connection towards mental health so many people deal with at some point or another in life.

As miltary veterans come back after serving, they don’t have the mental health services and feel so issolated because of all of the trauma in the battle field as the civiian don’t understand the long term trauma in which went on. Not having the support, and having no one to process the events after serving can bring major issolation even in the fact of serving our country. At the face value serving in the military it is seen as honorable. I can see why so many veterans feel punished and ignored for serving even from decades to now.

Connecting the same feeling of issolation to visual artists, gay, trans, and veterans is what each group of people have a challenge in. Yes, the general may not understand the perception of gay, trans, and visual artists. We must acknowledge everyone as human. The human aspect is what we need to respect each individual as rather then the physical appearence.

Also in having veterans come back to being a civilan, commiting suicide is a very high rate. The same goes for trans individuals. Both sides are conflicting from one side wanting to be in one area and another urging itself to be in another going in the opposite direction.

Today, make sure you take the time to acknowledge people especially if you know they have been through a lot. The overall feeling of being apart of a community in being wanted will shift the personal perception by accepting individuality.